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  • 產品詳細資料

  • 材質:53% 棉/44% 尼龍/3% 彈性纖維
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  • 產地: 巴基斯坦




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    沙加緬度國王日前與華盛頓巫師碰頭,陣中兩名主將「表弟」DeMarcus Cousins與John Wall過去就是舊識,Cousins不諱言想跟他再續前緣。

    兩人在2009-10年球季就讀NCAA名門肯塔基大學,也都是「One and done」打完一年就投身NBA,同期的還有當今鳳凰城太陽Eric Bledsoe、多倫多暴龍Patrick Patterson,星光熠熠。




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    Memphis Grizzlies forward Troy Williams (10) steals the ball as Orlando Magic forward Aaron Gordon (00), Grizzlies guard Tony Allen (9), Magic guard Evan Fournier, and Grizzlies center Marc Gasol (33)... 較多Memphis Grizzlies forward Troy Williams (10) steals the ball as Orlando Magic forward Aaron Gordon (00), Grizzlies guard Tony Allen (9), Magic guard Evan Fournier, and Grizzlies center Marc Gasol (33) look on in the first half of an NBA basketball game Thursday, Dec. 1, 2016, in Memphis, Tenn. (AP Photo/Brandon Dill) 較少

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    Associated Press | 拍攝者 Brandon Dill

    2016年12月2日週五 台北標準時間上午9時42分

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    國民隊傳出在冬季領隊會議強烈跟各球團接觸,他們目標為Andrew McCutchen、Chris Sale等各隊球星。


    Chris Sale今年17勝10敗,共吃下226.2局,防禦率3.34,是白襪隊王牌投手。

    國民隊農場新秀不少,Lucas Giolito、Victor Robles、Reynaldo Lopez、Erick Fedde都是年輕小鮮肉。

    不過就大家知道,Chris Sale也被太空人、遊騎兵、紅襪、道奇隊所追逐,要不要交易到國民可能白襪隊還要再考慮。

    此外國民隊還有另一項問題,那就是主戰捕手Wilson Ramos已經因傷缺陣去年球季,甚至成為自由球員了,會不會再次補強捕手,也是國民隊另一項課題。


    馬林魚搶Big 3 組南灘防波堤
    大谷「築夢」大聯盟 火腿可能破例放行

    前大聯盟主席塞利格 入選名人堂

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    FILE - In this Oct. 2, 2016, file photo Detroit Tigers' Justin Verlander delivers a pitch against the Atlanta Braves during a baseball game in Atlanta. Detroit's Verlander and Miguel Cabrera could be ... 較多FILE - In this Oct. 2, 2016, file photo Detroit Tigers' Justin Verlander delivers a pitch against the Atlanta Braves during a baseball game in Atlanta. Detroit's Verlander and Miguel Cabrera could be available for the right price. Not even a week has passed since the Chicago Cubs won their first World Series title in more than a century, and teams already are involved in trade talk as they position themselves for 2017 and the future. (AP Photo/John Amis, File) 較少

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    Associated Press | 拍攝者 John Amis, File

    2016年11月9日週三 台北標準時間上午9時12分

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